Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rains and Pune

Love the rains, love the city of Pune and especially so when it rains. 

But so many conditions apply to each of these "love"s. 

I wouldn't love the rains as much if they were as hard here as in some coastal areas, so that everything is so humid it leaves the floor sort of sticky and a hint of fungus can be smellt on walls and cushions. 

And I would dread the rains if I was living in cabin-like houses where water entered through the entrance and leaked through the tin sheets above and I didn't have the place to dry out my laundry. Wouldn't have many clothes to wash so drying them wouldn't be such a big problem. Drying my person would be a greater one.

Why can't I just enjoy anything without thinking of someone who wouldn't be privileged to enjoy something like it?

Why does there always have to be someone like that?

But thinking of the above I would probably love Pune anyhow, even if I lived here as a beggar on her streets.

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