Monday, January 7, 2013

Words inspired by Hampi (from the empire of Vijaynagar)

After a visit in December 2012.

To Hampi - 

Pillars of gold, walls of might
a wonder they built, carved by day and night

Dams they laid and fountains fair
roads and squares with markets everywhere
by land and sea the traders came
silk, indigo, scent for sale

Scholars worked and poets sang
builders built and hammers rang
a city so fair, a reign so just
the roads never slept, the treasuries never shut

Rich and strong they were ever at war
for her repute was wide and far

The women were versed and the folk were free
the generals brave and the ministers wise
in a hand the sword and the other a quill
so lead them a king with strength and skill

But fall it must what comes to be
how high or noble or fair it be
to the tide of time it must fall
to dust, rain and fire and all

Now a fraction remains, as just a sign
a grandeur passed through the gates of time.

Reading it a few days after it was written I think it isn't worth saving here in blogger. But I'm saving it as a proof of being attached to myself.

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